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Abraham: Blessed to Be a Blessing



Now in addition to what this shows us about the heart and the plan and the purpose of God, think about what this principle also teaches us about our own role in the world. The noted missionary writer Don Richardson has referred to these twin promises in Genesis 12 as top line (“I will bless you”) and bottom line (“and you will be a blessing”). They remind us that everything we have received from God is ultimately to be used for the benefit of other people – especially those who do not yet know him.

All of this has been summarized in the phrase, “Blessed to be a blessing.” This idea is actually one of the most crucial principles in the whole Bible. The concept of “blessed to be a blessing” teaches us something very basic about God’s expectations for each of us. It’s not just about Abraham, you do realize that! This is a fundamental statement of purpose that applies to everyone who through faith becomes part of the people of God. The blessings God gives us are intended to be shared with all, beginning with the inestimable blessing of salvation from sin and including all the other good things the Lord has given to us.

Let’s make this personal for just a minute. Take stock of your own life. Think about everything that God has given you, all the blessings he has poured out, material or spiritual. Most of us have far more than we usually acknowledge. Compared to the world’s truly poor, I am wealthy beyond belief, and you probably are too. Do we imagine that we have been given so much simply to enable us to live comfortable, even luxurious lives while so many throughout the world are suffering want?

Or focus for a moment more on the greatest blessing of all. Do you know the Lord personally? Have you received his gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? What other gift or blessing can compare with that? Are peace with God and the hope of heaven just yours to enjoy, all by yourself, with no thought of anyone else or are they something you and I need to share with everyone everywhere?

I wonder if we’re in danger of so concentrating on the top line – all the good things God has given us – that we forget the bottom line, and the bottom line is this: we have been blessed to be a blessing.

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