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God’s Love Language: Loving My Church


Some will say, “I’m a part of the church, just not one with buildings, budgets and Bible studies.” They’re claiming to be a part of the universal church, not a local church. The problem with a universal church is there’s no personal commitment. There’s no “iron sharpening iron.” It’s basically a do-it-yourself project with no timelines or deadlines. No standards, no expectations, no tasks to perform, no ministry to oversee, no place to serve, no one to help, encourage or bless, no lives to impact. There’s no giving since you’re basically giving to yourself — which is keeping, otherwise known as selfishness. There’s certainly no sacrifice because there’s no one to call you to it and no reason for you to do it. There are no messes to clean up, no conflicts to solve, no broken hearts to mend. Comfort is the order of the day (and night). Courage is not needed. And there’s no need to put on the armor of God, because there are no battles to face in the universal, invisible church.

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