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How to Tell If You’re Nearing Breakthrough


But you know what? It’s smoke and mirrors.

These attacks can’t actually hurt you. They are an illusion. They are spiteful attacks sent by the enemy because you’ve already won and the enemy knows it. 

The enemy is just trying to throw you off the scent, but he overplays his hand.

The enemy can’t stop your breakthrough. It’s already finalized in the spirit realm. So instead, he lashes out at you in a different way. Jesus said that the thief does not come unless he’s trying to steal, kill, or destroy (John 10:10), so that means there must be something to steal!

That’s why we see those ridiculously-obvious attacks when breakthrough is imminent. And if we pay attention, we can see how ridiculous the attacks are.

That’s what I mean when I say that the enemy “overplays his hand.” The attacks become so obvious that we can KNOW God is on the move, and the enemy is just mad.

So, since the enemy knows you are nearing breakthrough, he tries to steal, kill, and destroy whatever he can. He tries to rob you of your joy. He wants to make you miserable so you won’t enjoy your breakthrough, and so God won’t get as much glory.

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