Home / Healing / Importance of Praying in the Mornings

Importance of Praying in the Mornings


Ok. So what’s the big deal? Honestly… Won’t I be just fine if I don’t bother to pray every day? Yes. You will. If you are ok with “just fine”, then don’t worry about prayer.

Seriously though, for anyone actively on their spiritual journey, morning communion with our Father-Mother Love is critical.

You see, all day long, the material world around us throws lies our way. Lies about who we are, how we should feel or think or act. Lies about our fellow mankind. Lies about anything and everything.

What do I mean by lies? Well, over 2000 years ago, Christ Jesus taught us that our true nature is spiritual. He taught us that this material existence isn’t our true identity. He spent his ministry healing the sick and sinning.  Anything about us that isn’t beautiful and spiritual is a lie – is not our true identity.

I just love this quote from John about the vast amount of healing Jesus did.

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. ~John 21:25

Wouldn’t you love to be able to read books and books about the incredible things Jesus did while on Earth? The Bible gives us just a tiny glimpse into his life and works.

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