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Importance of Praying in the Mornings


When we skip prayer time in the morning and just jump into our day, several things happen. 

  1. We are not able to see things and people around us from a more spiritual standpoint.
  2. We end up reacting to people and situations instead of being mentally and spiritually prepared to respond with love.
  3. We end up believing what the world tells us instead of seeing things from a spiritual point of view.
  4.  We more easily fall prey to sickness and sin.
  5.  We aren’t spiritually prepared to help others.

There are countless things that can go wrong in your day if you choose not to begin your day with prayer. Of course, things still go wrong when you do pray in the morning, but you will be more inclined to handle them beautifully and from a place of love than reacting badly.

I spent years not praying in the morning. Not because I didn’t want to, but just because I didn’t think about it.

Now, I refuse to not pray every day. It’s not worth it to skip my prayer time. It’s not fair to those around me!

I feel like a different, better, more spiritually grounded person after I pray in the mornings. I feel protected and ready to make a difference to those around me.

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