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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment


Why Do We Need Mercy?

The go-to answer points to salvations. Purposefully or accidentally, we mess up. Daily. And daily, He releases us from the ultimate punishment we deserve—being eternally separated from Him. That’s where Jesus comes in. He paid the consequences with His death because we couldn’t.

But there’s also something else. Back to those consequences I deserve. I tend to breeze by the times I don’t “get caught” and dwell on the times I do. If I really think about it, God “lets me off” more often than he makes me live in the repercussions of my bad or stupid decisions, or He only asks me to pay the interest on the consequences I’ve earned rather than the total. I’ll be honest. I don’t always understand the logic behind which times are what, but I do know through experience that God uses every situation for His glory and to expand my faith.

I’m so glad He gets that sometimes I need a hug instead of a punishment. A little mercy can go a long way in a soft heart. Parents know this about their kids. And so much more than I know the hearts of my children, He knows mine.

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