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The ARISE Prayer Guide


2. R is for revelation.

We learned recently in our study about the sevenfold Holy Spirit that revelation is greater than head-knowledge. Revelation is that deep, gut-level, heart-changing, life-transforming knowledge that revolutionizes everything about the way you think, the way you live, and the choices you make.

I ask God for revelation nearly every day. Sometimes I forget to ask, but honestly I should be asking every single day, every moment! And so should you. Brothers and sisters, we need the Holy Spirit’s help! We need Him to change our hearts, teach us, and conform our thought patterns to His own.

So pray this with me:

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of true, life-changing knowledge and understanding. So Papa God, I ask right now that Your Holy Spirit would fill me up with Your revelation. Teach me Your ways. Help me to understand Your Word properly, with no distortions or twisting. Help me to apply Your Word correctly in my life. Sear Your Word deep into my heart like a brand, and let Your teaching and the understanding You give me become true revelation in my heart that changes my life. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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