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The ARISE Prayer Guide


3. I is for inspiration.

Do you need the Holy Spirit to fill you with inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm today? Do you have tasks you’ve been putting off that you need to finally face? Do you want the Holy Spirit’s divine flow in your life?

My answer is YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES! to all of these. God’s inspiration makes all the difference in the world to me. When He inspires me, I can sit down to write and everything just flows. It’s like He’s actually dictating exactly what He wants me to say. Literally, I often hear Him tell me what to write word for word.

It often happens the same way when I’m designing images for this blog. Not always, but often! When He inspires me, I see exactly what the finished image should look like before I ever get started. He literally puts the picture in my mind, and then I just have to go out and get the pictures and put the design elements together.

That kind of inspiration doesn’t happen without His help. But the good news is, He is ready and eager to pour out His inspiration on us! God still loves to create. All He needs are willing vessels.

So pray this with me:

Heavenly Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask You to fill me with Your divine inspiration today. Create through me in every way. Do my work through me and for me. Motivate me and inspire me. Help me to do Your work, not just my own!

And Papa, I ask that You would order my steps all day long. Show me exactly what to do and when to do it. Help me to hear You clearly and obey You! And let me see supernatural results today. Thank You, Papa. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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