Home / Purpose / God’s Grace is bigger than the worst mistake you ever made!

God’s Grace is bigger than the worst mistake you ever made!



Good Morning Beloved,

Mistakes can be crippling! One big mistake can keep us stuck for weeks, if not months. Mistakes have a way of exposing our deepest fears, our vulnerabilities and our humanness. All of the unattractive parts of us that we’d rather not deal with come alive when we make mistakes.  Today’s sermon  blessed me so much because it helped me get released from my past mistakes.  This sermon helped me reconnect with the story of David. David was a man after God’s own heart, but David was also a man who made some huge mistakes. That’s why David is able to teach about the power of forgiveness and grace. He reminds us that our mistakes do not have the final say, GOD DOES! Click Here For Full Message

Rev. Richards

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