Home / Purpose / If you want to cross the finish line, you have to practice endurance.

If you want to cross the finish line, you have to practice endurance.



Are you Frustrated? It may be because you’re trying to make something happen that only God can make happen.

Whenever you are doing what God has called you to do, it is important to rely on His strength, His grace, and His power to complete your task. You will become frustrated if you try to make things happen on your own strength instead of relying on God.  This Sunday is an opportunity for us to SLOW DOWN! Too often we are going 100miles an hr and this pace is not sustainable. I heard that you should never made decisions when your angry, and life has taught me don’t make decisions when your rushing.   

I want you to watch Today’s sermon and tell me what area of your life do you feel you need to slow down and think and pray before you act?  Click here to submit your testimony


Rev. Nicholas Richards

Click here to watch Today’s sermon
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—-This Week’s Top Sermons—-

Everything Belongs to God

4 Things You Can Always Expect from God

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