Home / Purpose / Pentecost Week: Activate the Power of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost Week: Activate the Power of the Holy Spirit



Morning Motivation: The Holy Spirit has been sent to help us do the will of God and to strengthen us and counsel us. But He won’t do anything until He is asked. That’s why James 5:13 says “if you’re in trouble or afflicted, pray. It’s prayer that puts the power within us to work.”

Dear Beloved,

Often times we go to God when we need something. When we’re in seasons of lack and depression we actively seek God through prayer, praise, and worship. But the sign of a mature believer is the ability to trust in God and worship God in every situation of life. Today’s sermon reminds us that our praise and worship should not be seeking to manipulate something from God, but rather it should be our response to the goodness and grace God has already provided. Let’s spend this weekend in worship practicing an attitude of gratitude. 

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Rev. Richards

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