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How to Move Forward When You Feel Stuck


What to Do When You’re Hurting

In the meantime, your perspective while in your “pit” can make a big difference. Remember, it’s a time of testing … a time when your character is being developed.

This period is what I sometimes call the “silent years” because it’s a time when you may feel like not much is going on in your life. Or you may be going through a lot of pain and upheaval and it feels like God is not doing anything about it.

But it’s vitally important for you to trust Him during this time, because He is working in your heart to make you more like Christ. And the good news is you don’t have to flunk a test with God; you can get “do-overs!”

So when you’re in your pit and you’re hurting, the best advice I can give you is, don’t give up:

Fight the temptation to think there’s no way out of your situation. Jesus is the Way. This is your time to draw close and follow Him.

Avoid blaming God or thinking He is punishing you for some sin. He is just using the situation to work in your life. And while it may not always feel good, His purpose will always be for your good.

Do what’s right even when you’re hurting, when it doesn’t feel right or when others treat you badly. Do something good for as many people as you can as often as you can.

Don’t withdraw and sulk or isolate yourself from others. Remember, you can be pitiful or powerful but you can’t be both. Many times, God may use others to encourage you in this time.

Keep your word. Honor your commitments. This is a character building time and you are being prepared to take your place in the “palace.”

Read More: Trust in God and your Enemies Shall Wither Away

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