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Your Blessings will often follow Your Sacrifice




Thank God for another day!  Please know that you remain in my prayers.  Today we ask for your support. Your gift of $5 goes a long way in helping to support and build this ministry God has given to us.  We need your help to keep sharing daily devotional messages and power-packed sermons every day. We hope you will join us in believing in miracles today.  Our goal is to raise $20,000 today! 


It’s so amazing to watch God use the simplest things to give us our greatest blessings. Jesus took two pieces of fish and five loaves of bread and fed thousands with it. And today we’re believing that God will use your gift in a big way. Every gift makes a big difference! 

Today we’re asking you to give a little bit to God and watch God do something miraculous with it. We’re asking every person who can to give just $5.  If you believe simply click here to give. 

God Bless You!


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